Plot: Comedian Kapil Sharma interacts with celebrity guests about their latest films while keeping the audience laughing with his wit, humour and assorted skits.
Plot: Talented stand-up comedians from different parts of India come together to showcase their skills in front of everyone and earn the title of the best comedian.
Plot: Topical comedy series, written and performed by a cast of stand-up comedians, character comics and sketch groups. Each episode provides a platform for the funniest new talent to deliver monologues, sketches and commentary.
Plot: Experiencing the misadventures, missteps and miseries of teenage years is more bearable with a partner in crime. After all, two people commiserating about puberty, first loves, social ostracism, and the tender mercies of youth is better than one when you're out there, all alone. That's where Chad and...
Plot: Jack Dee returns to London's Hammersmith Apollo theatre for a second series of deadpan comedy featuring appearances by comedian Lee Mack, Dara O'Brian, Keith Barret and many more.
Plot: Dana Carvey gained fame during his time on "Saturday Night Live" for his impressions, whether he was imitating former President George H. W. Bush or lampooning news anchor Tom Brokaw. Now, he's using his mimicking skills to mentor others in his role as expert-in-residence for this competition that...