Plot: Private Schulz is a 1981 BBC television comedy drama serial set mostly in Germany, during and immediately after World War II. It stars Michael Elphick in the title role and Ian Richardson playing various parts. Other notable actors included Tony Caunter, Billie Whitelaw, Billy Murray and Mark Wingett...
Plot: A team brought together to study how the BBC should respond to Channel Four's pioneering efforts in making films for both television and theatrical release.
Plot: Detective Superintendent Andrew "Andy" Dalziel and Detective Sergeant, later Detective Inspector, Peter Pascoe are two fictional Yorkshire detectives featuring in a series of novels by Reginald Hill. Wikipedia
Plot: When Martin Ellingham, a surgeon, develops haemophobia, he leaves London to start a practice in the sleepy village of Portwenn. However, his lack of social skills makes him unpopular among the people.