Plot: This mockumentary-style comedy drama follows a group of outsiders living on the fringe of society. At the group's core is Derek Noakes, a tender, innocent man who works at a retirement home. Derek's love for his job and the people he cares for is evident in everything he does. Derek, who is in his 40s...
Plot: Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, the Emmy-winning duo responsible for the classic sitcom `The Office', are behind this eight-episode practical joke-turned-sociology experiment. It features Gervais and Merchant surprising their friend, the close-minded and simple Karl Pilkington, with a trip around...
Plot: With his signature monologue and sharp newsy segments like "A Closer Look," Seth Meyers hilariously breaks down the day's biggest stories and takes the current political circus head-on. He then welcomes Hollywood's most beloved A-list guests, as well as people not seen anywhere else in late night,...
Plot: "Saturday Night Live" gives its acclaimed "Weekend Update" segment prime-time exposure via a short series of special shows. Sparked by the political interest leading up to the 2012 presidential election, the short series focuses on political satire and newsworthy events.
Plot: A television team captures office life in the fictitious Capitol Versicherung AG. The department is headed by Bernd Stromberg but he rarely manages to place his team in a good light.
Plot: Bessie Higgenbottom and her best friend of a dog, Happy Walter, go on endless quests to fulfill her dream of earning every Honeybee Scout badge there is. Sometimes Bessie imagines she's a superhero named Mighty B, and often has her 7-year-old younger brother, Ben, as her sidekick. Bessie believes anything...
Plot: Liz Lemon, head writer of a sketch comedy show, has to deal with her arrogant boss and eccentric stars. Regardless, she must run the TV show successfully without losing her mind.
Plot: The former cast member of "Saturday Night Live" welcomes guests to an evening of comedy, music, conversation and competitions as he becomes the third host of the late-night NBC series, accompanied by his Grammy-winning house band, the Roots.
Plot: Political satirist Stephen Colbert takes on cable-news pundits in this show, which centers around his essential rightness about the issues of the day. Colbert portrays a caricature of conservative political pundits often seen on TV. The show is known for coming up with new words that enter the lexicon...
Plot: Rescued after 15 years in a cult, Kimmy Schmidt decides to reclaim her life by venturing to New York, where she experiences everyday life with wide-eyed enthusiasm. On a whim, she rents a room from Titus, a gay wannabe Broadway actor, who makes ends meet as a street performer in Times Square. The unlikely...
Plot: Leslie Knope, a mid-level bureaucrat, wishes to help a local nurse, Ann, convert a disused construction site into a community park but deals with red-tapism and self-centred neighbours.