Plot: John Herrick was the Captain of the tug "Cheryl Ann" in Los Angeles harbor. His family consisted of wife May, Police Detective son Jim, and the crew of the tug, his son Carl, Tip, and Willie. Carl was engaged to Terry. The stories revolved around the family and various criminals encountered around the...
Plot: Former cop J.L. McCabe -- aka "The Fatman" -- has built a remarkable record of convictions in his new career as a district attorney, thanks mainly to his gruff, tact-impaired manner and his willingness to bend the rules when it suits his purposes. Unfortunately, those same qualities also have earned...
Plot: Vietnam veterans-turned-California beach bums Cody and Nick open a detective agency that operates mainly from Cody's boat, the Riptide. They are assisted by another old friend, dweebish electronics genius "Boz" Bozinsky. Their investigations also occasionally involve Nick's aging but reliable helicopter...
Plot: December Bride is an American sitcom that aired on the CBS television network from 1954 to 1959, adapted from the original CBS radio network series of the same name that aired from June 1952 through September 1953. Wikipedia
Plot: Adventures in Paradise is an American television series created by James Michener and starring Gardner McKay, which ran on ABC from 1959 until 1962. Wikipedia
Plot: Jane Doe is the name of a series of nine made-for-television mystery films released by the Hallmark Channel between 2005 and 2008, and later appearing regularly on the Hallmark Movie Channel. Wikipedia
Plot: The cousins St. Clair and Fleming are con-men so successful they no longer need to con. They can be persuaded, however, to use their skills: in a just cause, where a mark deserves it very, very much. The cousins St. Clair and Fleming are con-men so successful they no longer need to con. They can be...
Plot: The West Point Story, also known simply as West Point, is a dramatic anthology television series shown in the United States by CBS during the 1956รข57 season and by ABC during the 1957รข58 season. Wikipedia
Plot: How to Marry a Millionaire is an American sitcom that aired in syndication and on the NTA Film Network, from October 7, 1957, to August 20, 1959. The series is based on the 1953 film of the same name starring Marilyn Monroe, Betty Grable, and Lauren Bacall. The series stars Lori Nelson, Merry Anders...
Plot: Brand New Life is an American comedy-drama television series starring Barbara Eden and Don Murray and produced by Walt Disney Television and NBC Productions that aired on NBC as part of The Magical World of Disney during the 1989รข90 television season. Wikipedia
Plot: Dina Hunter, a rich, but unstable woman, discovers that the artist who is obsessed with painting a portrait of her wants to kill her while she is on a holiday with her husband in Mexico.
Plot: A distraught widow, who's upset that her son decided to leave college to become a soldier, joins him at boot camp with the sole purpose of passing the intense training course with a mutual agreement he will quit and return to college if she finishes.