Plot: The Robshaw family, featured in the BBC series `Back in Time for Dinner', travel back in time once more to turn of the 20th-century. They discover how changes in food habits helped create the modern family. In each episode the family is transported to a different decade, beginning with the 1900s where...
Plot: Following the success of `Back in Time for Dinner' - which saw a family experience 50 years of trends in British cuisine - BBC2 once again revs up the time machine to see what life was like without modern conveniences like tablets, computers, cell phones and gadgets. For one summer, the Ashby-Hawkins...
Plot: The hosts visit some of the biggest food production units in Britain and share details about the various processes that take place inside these factories.
Plot: Featuring international food experts, including medical professionals, scientists and nutritionists, "What's Really in Our Food?" challenges the myths and misunderstandings that surround many food products and looks at what we eat and why we eat it. The series also offers a guide on the foods that...
Plot: Host Barton Seaver is a chef known for his love of locally grown foods, which he uses in his restaurants. "In Search of Food" follows Seaver as he explores other establishments with the same ideals in three cities: Minneapolis, San Francisco and New York. In each location, Seaver meets with a fellow...
Plot: A Bite of China is a Chinese documentary television series on the history of food, eating, and cooking in China directed by Chen Xiaoqing, narrated by Li Lihong with original music composed by Roc Chen. It first aired 14 May 2012 on China Central Television and quickly gained high ratings and widespread...
Plot: Comedian and impressionist Rory Bremner is on a personal mission to uncover the science of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, a condition which he has suspected he has. In this film, Rory learns about the science of ADHD, goes for a diagnosis, and tries the drug methylphenidate for the first...