Plot: Kraft Music Hall is an umbrella title for several television series aired by NBC in the United States from the 1950s to the 1970s in the musical variety genre, sponsored by Kraft Foods, the producers of a well-known line of cheeses and related dairy products. Wikipedia
Plot: The Dean Martin Celebrity Roast was a series of television specials hosted by entertainer Dean Martin and airing from 1974 to 1984. For a series of 54 specials and shows, Martin and his friends would "roast" a celebrity. The roasts were patterned after the roasts held at the New York Friars' Club....
Plot: Putting a celebrity in the cross hairs of comedic barbs is what's fun about this programme. A panel is selected, made up of the celebrity's peers as well as popular comedians, who comically trash the `honoured guest' both personally and professionally. Previously roasted celebrities include William...