Plot: Fred, Wilma, Barney and Betty -- otherwise known as the Flintstones and Rubbles -- are among the most famous cartoon characters in TV history. But viewers got to know them as adults on "The Flintstones," leaving fans to wonder: What were they like as kids? This series, which originally aired from 1986...
Plot: The Flintstones' 25th Anniversary Celebration is a 1986 American live-action/animated television special produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions in association with Robert Guenette Productions, which premiered on CBS on May 20, 1986. Wikipedia
Plot: The Flintstones: On the Rocks is a 2001 American animated made-for-television film featuring characters from The Flintstones franchise. It debuted on November 3, 2001 on Cartoon Network and was directed by Chris Savino and David Smith. It was dedicated to Hoyt Curtin and William Hanna. Wikipedia
Plot: The Adventures of Robin Hoodnik is an animated Hanna-Barbera television movie. Broadcast on November 4, 1972, it was part of The ABC Saturday Superstar Movie. The special featured an all-animal cast in a retelling of Robin Hood. The show premiered just a year before Disney released their version of...
Plot: A Flintstones Christmas Carol is a 1994 American animated made-for-television film featuring characters from The Flintstones franchise, and based on the 1843 novella A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Produced by Hanna-Barbera, it features the voices of Henry Corden, Jean Vander Pyl and Frank Welker...
Plot: The New Shmoo is an American animated television series based on the character from the Li'l Abner comic strip created by Al Capp, produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions and broadcast on NBC from September 22, 1979 to November 15, 1980. Wikipedia
Plot: A Flintstones Christmas Carol is a 1994 American animated made-for-television film featuring characters from The Flintstones franchise, and based on the 1843 novella A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Produced by Hanna-Barbera, it features the voices of Henry Corden, Jean Vander Pyl and Frank Welker...
Plot: The Pac-Man/Little Rascals/Richie Rich Show is a 90-minute Saturday morning animated package show co-produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions and King World Productions and broadcast on ABC from September 25, 1982 to September 3, 1983. Wikipedia
Plot: Fred and Barney Meet the Shmoo is an American animated package show and a spin-off of The Flintstones produced by Hanna-Barbera which aired on NBC from December 8, 1979 to November 15, 1980. Wikipedia
Plot: Hanna-Barbera's All-Star Comedy Ice Revue is a 1978 American live-action/animated television special produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions featuring animated character Fred Flintstone and hosted by Roy Clark and Bonnie Franklin. It premiered on CBS on Friday, January 13, 1978 at 8:00 pm EST. Wikipedia...
Plot: Fred and Barney Meet the Thing is an American animated package show and a spin-off of The Flintstones produced by Hanna-Barbera which aired on NBC from September 8, 1979 to December 1, 1979. Wikipedia
Plot: The Flintstones: Little Big League is a 1978 animated television special featuring characters from The Flintstones franchise. It was produced by Hanna-Barbera and aired on NBC on April 6, 1978. It was an hour-long primetime special, as part of The Flintstone Primetime Specials. Wikipedia
Plot: The Flintstone Primetime Specials is a four-episode limited-run prime time television revival of The Flintstones produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions which aired on NBC from September 26, 1980 to October 11, 1981. Wikipedia
Plot: Fred Flintstone and Friends is an American weekday animated anthology wheel series and a spin-off of The Flintstones produced by Hanna-Barbera and Columbia Pictures Television which aired in first-run syndication from October 3, 1977 to September 1, 1978. Wikipedia
Plot: Jogging Fever is a 1981 animated television special and the fourth and final of The Flintstone Special limited-run prime time revival of The Flintstones produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions which premiered on NBC on October 11, 1981. Wikipedia
Plot: Wind-Up Wilma is a 1981 animated television special and the third of The Flintstone Specials limited-run prime time revival of The Flintstones produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions. The special premiered on NBC on October 4, 1981. In the special, Wilma Flintstone is recruited to play on Bedrock's baseball...
Plot: Fred's Final Fling is a 1980 animated television special and the second of The Flintstone Special limited-run prime time revival of The Flintstones produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions which premiered on NBC on November 7, 1980. Wikipedia
Plot: The Flintstones' Primetime Specials is a four-episode limited-run prime time television revival of The Flintstones produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions which air on NBC on September 26, 1980 to October 11 1981. Wikipedia
Plot: The Flintstone Comedy Show is an American animated television series revival and spin-off of The Flintstones produced by Hanna-Barbera that aired on NBC from November 22, 1980 to October 24, 1981. Outside North America, the show was released under title of Flintstone Frolics. Wikipedia
Plot: The Flintstones were the modern Stone Age family. Residing in Bedrock, Fred Flintstone worked an unsatisfying quarry job, but returned home to lovely wife Wilma and eventually daughter Pebbles. Fred, a big fan of golf and bowling, also enjoyed bullying neighbor Barney Rubble, while Barney's saucy wife...