Plot: The Hiddens is a Hong Kong thriller television series created and produced by Gary Tang. The series debuted on Astro Wah Lai Toi in Malaysia and on MyTV SUPER in Hong Kong on September 22, 2016. Many of the cast members previously acted in the File of Justice franchise, which was also produced by Gary...
Plot: The Criminal Investigator II is a 1996 Hong Kong police procedural television drama. Produced by Jonathan Chik with a screenplay edited by Chow Yuk-ming and Chiu Ching-yung, the drama is a TVB production and the direct sequel to 1995's The Criminal Investigator. Wikipedia
Plot: A Matter of Customs is a TVB program in Hong Kong starring Liza Wang, Danny Lee, Wong Hei and Jessica Hsuan. The story is about customs agents in Hong Kong. Wikipedia
Plot: Armed Reaction IV is a Hong Kong modern cop drama released overseas in August 2003. The drama stars Bobby Au-yeung and Ada Choi as the main leads with Joyce Tang, Marco Ngai, Mimi Chu, Frankie Lam and Yoyo Mung in main supporting roles. Wikipedia
Plot: Secret of the Heart is a 1998 Hong Kong television drama produced by TVB that was first aired from 16 February to 10 May 1998. The drama had a powerful roster cast that is made up of Felix Wong, Gallen Lo, Sunny Chan, Nick Cheung, Amy Kwok, Kathy Chow, Jessica Hsuan and Ada Choi. Wikipedia
Plot: A Recipe for the Heart is a 1997 TVB comedy drama with a food theme. Produced by Tommy Leung, it stars Bobby Au-yeung, Esther Kwan, Lydia Shum, Paul Chun, Louis Koo, Maggie Cheung Ho-Yee and Jessica Hsuan as the main cast. The drama is TVB's 30th anniversary drama. Wikipedia
Plot: Ultra Protection is a 1999 Hong Kong action crime drama television series produced by TVB and starring Bowie Lam, Mariane Chan, Cheung Siu-fai and Angie Cheung. Wikipedia
Plot: Detective Investigation Files IV is the 4th and final installment of the Detective Investigation Files TV franchised by TVB in Hong Kong. It won two TVB Anniversary Awards, including Best Actor for Louis Koo and Best Actress for Jessica Hsuan. Wikipedia
Plot: The File of Justice is a series of Hong Kong legal drama produced by TVB. There were 5 seasons produced, the first was aired in 1992 spanning 13 episodes. The series revolves around a group of lawyers and legal personnel with stories interwoven between their personal lives and the court cases in which...
Plot: Detective Investigation Files III is a 1997 TVB production. It was a direct sequel to Detective Investigation Files II and the third installment in the Detective Investigation Files Series. The series ran for 40 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Detective Investigation Files II is a 40-episode 1995 Hong Kong TVB detective drama. It is the second installment in the Detective Investigation Files Series and was aired roughly eight months after the first series concluded. Wikipedia
Plot: Srikant Tiwari is a middle-class man who also serves as a world-class spy. Srikant tries to balance his familial responsibilities with the demands of the highly secretive special cell of the National Intelligency Agency that he is working for.
Plot: Healing Hands II is a television series that was made by Hong Kong's television broadcast company TVB after Healing Handsâs success. It was directed by Jonathan Chik, mainly cast by Lawrence Ng, Bowie Lam, Flora Chan, Ada Choi and Yoyo Mung. Wikipedia
Plot: Healing Hands II is a television series that was made by Hong Kong's television broadcast company TVB after Healing Handsâs success. It was directed by Jonathan Chik, mainly cast by Lawrence Ng, Bowie Lam, Flora Chan, Ada Choi and Yoyo Mung. Wikipedia