Plot: How did Adolf Hitler evolve from an anonymous figure into history's most notorious war criminal? The three-part series, written and produced by award-winning documentarian Laurence Rees, reveals how Hitler formed a connection with millions of Germans by cultivating a level of charismatic attraction...
Plot: Investigating how Adolf Hitler rose from a World War I soldier to a political activist, force and leader of a country, presented using his own words and speeches.
Plot: A comprehensive and shocking profile of Hitler's brutal deputy. Includes rare film shot by Goering himself and revelations about his drug addiction and art theft.
Plot: According to documents that were declassified by the FBI in 2014, Adolf Hitler may have survived World War II and fled to South America following the fall of Nazi Germany. In this series a team of investigators -- led by 21-year CIA veteran Bob Baer and war crimes investigator John Cencich -- undertakes...
Plot: The Great Americans series is a set of definitive stamps issued by the United States Postal Service, starting on December 27, 1980 with the 19¢ stamp depicting Sequoyah, and continuing through 1999, the final stamp being the 55¢ Justin S. Morrill self-adhesive stamp. Wikipedia