Plot: Gokusen is a manga series by Kozueko Morimoto. The story follows Kumiko Yamaguchi, the granddaughter of a yakuza boss and teacher at an all-male private high school. In 2008, an SP manga was out, featuring some of Yankumi's old students who are by now working adults. Wikipedia
Plot: The Diplomat Kosaku Kuroda is 2011 Japanese television drama starring YÅ«ji Oda who reprised his role as Kosaku Kuroda in this sequel to Amalfi: Rewards of the Goddess with a supporting cast led by Kou Shibasaki and Kaho. South Korean actor Lee Byung-hun made a cameo as Kuroda's lawyer and childhood...
Plot: The Sun Never Sets is a 2000 Japanese television series. Starring Hideaki Takizawa, Yasuko Matsuyuki and YÅ«ka, it aired from 13 April to 22 June 2000 on Fuji TV. Wikipedia
Plot: In 2031, the world has undergone a drastic change following the catastrophic failure of a next-generation quantum reactor. The incident -- known as the Xianglong Crisis -- causes energy to spring up from beneath the ground to swallow city buildings and cover the planet. That leads to the emergence of...
Plot: Watashitachi no KyÅkasho is a Japanese television drama that began airing on April 12, 2007 on Fuji TV. The series stars Miho Kanno and Atsushi Itoh. In the United States, it aired on AZN Television. Wikipedia
Plot: Life had been fairly routine for a Tokyo businessman until one day his wife suddenly announces that she has grown tired of life as a housewife and mother, and leaves him and their young son. Soon afterwards, he loses his job and, at his wits' end and unable to pay the rent, must ask an ex-girlfriend...
Plot: Yamada TarÅ Monogatari is a Japanese manga series created by Ai Morinaga. The manga series, published by Kadokawa Shoten, ran from 1996-2000 with a total of fourteen volumes. Wikipedia
Plot: Do S Keiji: An uber-sadistic female detective and her nice guy cop, an unbeatable partnership?! Maya chose to become a detective because she thought she could torment bad people all she wants.
Plot: Love Shuffle is a Japanese television drama series that aired on TBS from 16 January to 20 March 2009. The theme song of the series is Fantasy by Earth, Wind & Fire. Usami Kei is a salaryman who has risen in status due to his engagement with Mei, the wealthy daughter of his company's president. Wikipedia...
Plot: Deka Wanko is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kozueko Morimoto. It was serialized in Japan by Shueisha in the magazine You and was collected in 12 tankÅbon volumes. Wikipedia
Plot: Someone has been stealing money within the company and the fingers are pointing to seven beautiful secretaries. Each who look so pure (well some of them) but at the same time, each can have a motivation for stealing the money. The company hires Ayumu and Go to find out who is stealing the money. Someone...