Plot: Nine-year-old Sophie catches JJ, a hardened CIA operative, spying on her family during a routine surveillance operation. In exchange for not blowing his cover, JJ begrudgingly agrees to show the precocious girl how to become a spy. What at first seems like an easy task soon turns into a battle of wits...
Plot: Barry Seal, a commercial airline pilot, gets involved in drugs and arms smuggling while working for the CIA. Later, he turns into a government informant in order to escape his jail time.
Plot: Paige and Zak are children of wrestlers who dream of entering the same profession as their parents. However, only Paige gets the opportunity and she has to learn how to face the world on her own.
Plot: The true story of Molly Bloom, a beautiful, young, Olympic-class skier who ran the world's most exclusive high-stakes poker game for a decade before being arrested in the middle of the night by 17 FBI agents wielding automatic weapons. Her players included Hollywood royalty, sports stars, business...
Plot: An aspiring filmmaker Tommy Wiseau and actor Greg Sestero move to Los Angeles to look for Hollywood stardom. Using his own money, Wiseau writes, directs and stars in `The Room,' a critically maligned movie that becomes a cult classic.
Plot: A politician's son who was murdered more than a decade ago makes a shocking return. As he is welcomed back into the family, suspicions arise about his true identity.