Plot: This intriguing observational documentary series takes viewers into the private world of local GP surgeries. Now in its sixth season, `GPs: Behind Closed Doors' welcomes viewers into the Ridge Medical Practice in Bradford for an exclusive look into the every day lives of the doctors who work there....
Plot: This documentary series follows seven 20-something junior doctors who start working on hospital wards for the first time. Cameras capture all the nerves, tears, frustration and elation across three emotion-packed months as the men and women get used to their new responsibilities in some of the hospital...
Plot: Following a batch of recently qualified doctors as they walk onto the wards of the hospitals in Northern Ireland's Western Health Trust for the first time.
Plot: Young doctor Margarete struggles with frustration, two attractive men and their patients. The doctor finds it difficult to juggle her personal and professional life.
Plot: The Surgery Ship is a documentary film directed by Madeleine Hetherton and documentary television series directed by Alex Barry based on the real life events filmed on board the hospital ship the "Africa Mercy". Wikipedia