Plot: This co-production of the BBC and the Science Channel is hosted by physicist Brian Cox ("Wonders of the Universe"), who is fascinated by the wonders of our planet and the laws of nature that created them. In this five-part series he travels the globe to examine some of the most compelling phenomena...
Plot: The host and his crew travel to the frozen lands of the Arctic and the Antarctic. They observe the climatic conditions and the environment to learn how wildlife survives in such harsh conditions.
Plot: Produced by the team that created BBC's "Planet Earth" series, "The Hunt" explores the relationship between predators and their prey. Sir David Attenborough narrates this documentary while the cameras follow the animals in their natural habitats. With a specific focus on strategy, the hunters are examined...
Plot: Stunning computer animation brings the most ferocious giants of the Ice Age back to life, creating a portrait of their wild existence and puzzling extinction. Also, details about their lives and disappearance are revealed through the work of paleontologists, who uncover fossilized bones of these lethal...
Plot: "Planet Earth: South Pacific" is a six-part British nature documentary that surveys the natural history of the islands of the South Pacific regions including many spots in New Zealand. The program documents the natural history of the region, the South Pacific spans from the Hawaiian Islands to New...
Plot: Comedian and impressionist Rory Bremner is on a personal mission to uncover the science of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, a condition which he has suspected he has. In this film, Rory learns about the science of ADHD, goes for a diagnosis, and tries the drug methylphenidate for the first...
Plot: The brightest minds from various fields like astrophysics, astrobiology, quantum mechanics and string theory attempt to reveal the extraordinary truth of the universe.
Plot: This long-running, award-winning documentary series focuses on science - the speculation, history and researchers associated with it and its many applications. Inspired by the BBC documentary program `Horizons', the U.S. series frequently features interviews with scientists directly involved in the...
Plot: "Earth: The Biography" reveals the geological forces that have shaped the planet, specifically volcanoes, the oceans, the atmosphere and ice. Computer-generated imagery and the use of satellite photography offer a balance between dramatic visuals and illuminating facts, while time-lapse photography...
Plot: Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking brings his vision of the universe to the screen for the first time, combining cutting-edge effects, digitally enhanced NASA footage and live action to delve into such topics as how the universe began, whether life exists on other planets, and whether our galaxy has...
Plot: Following the wildly successful "Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey," Neil deGrasse Tyson returns as host to translate more revelations of science into a lavish transporting experience, taking audiences on a series of spiritual voyages of exploration. The show reveals previously uncharted realms, including...
Plot: Thinking of taking that vacation to space anytime soon? This series examines what it might entail, from the drastic climate shifts to the stunning sights, by bringing viewers up close with these distant worlds via advanced animation. Back on Earth, extreme environments, such as Hawaii's volcanoes or...
Plot: Professor Brian Cox tries to answer some of mankind's most profound questions - including what made the universe and how the universe made people - in this programme that Cox describes as a `love letter to humanity'. Throughout the series, he shows that humans are one of the most precious and unique...
Plot: Hosted by author-educator Adam Hart-Davis, the six-part BBC series examines mankind's ongoing quest to comprehend the universe -- where it began, where it's headed, and whether intelligent life exists anywhere other than on Earth. Hart-Davis visits spectacular places where the exploration of the universe...
Plot: In the years since man first ventured into space, scientific discoveries have had a dramatic impact on mankind's perception of both the universe and the human race's relationship to it. This ambitious series examines the known universe and the speculative worlds that may lie out there beyond the edge...
Plot: The presenter talks about how the universe came into existence out of nothing, as various world-renowned physicists present their fascinating theories.
Plot: Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey is a 2014 American science documentary television series. The show is a follow-up to the 1980 television series Cosmos: A Personal Voyage, which was presented by Carl Sagan on the Public Broadcasting Service and is considered a milestone for scientific documentaries. Wikipedia...
Plot: Physicist Brian Cox discusses various aspects of the universe, featuring a "wonder" related to each featured topic. Among the topics covered are the nature of time, relating humans to the life cycles of stars and the effect of gravity across the universe.