Plot: This prequel to the "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs" films -- taking place before giant food started raining down on Swallow Falls -- features the adventures of would-be scientist Flint Lockwood during his high school years when he hoped to become a serious scientist and eventually not have his...
Plot: Facing one misadventure after another, two rascally fourth-grade pals turn their ornery headmaster into Captain Underpants, a superhero looking to save the day.
Plot: Rapunzel, kept under lock and key, wishes to see the source of the lanterns and discover the world outside. Her wishes come true when she comes across the runaway thief, Flynn.
Plot: "Big Hero 6 The Series" takes place after the events of the film "Big Hero 6" and continues the adventures of 14-year-old tech genius Hiro Hamada. He is joined by the compassionate robot Baymax which is created by Hiro's brother, Tadashi. Hiro and Baymax are also joined by their friends, including...