Plot: With Salt Water Sportsman magazine editor at large George Poveromo at the helm, each episode of this series takes viewers to a hot spot in the U.S. or abroad to target such exotic species as sailfish, swordfish, blue marlin and tuna, along with other favorites including striped bass, flounder, dolphin...
Plot: Three-time world sailfish champion Peter Miller brings viewers along as he and his guests -- experienced anglers and amateurs alike -- travel across Florida on unforgettable fishing adventures. Miller begins each episode by meeting his guests either at the airport or at their resort accommodations,...
Plot: The famed saltwater flats of the Bahamas is the beautiful setting for the fishing adventure and conservation initiative undertaken in "Buccaneers and Bones." Journalist Tom Brokaw -- who also narrates the series -- leads an expedition in search of the island's legendary bonefish. Joining Brokaw are...
Plot: Freshwater fishing has always come naturally to Bill Dance, who has entertained and educated viewers in that fishing discipline on "Bill Dance Outdoors" since 1968. But the challenges on the water don't stop there for the three-time B.A.S.S. Angler of the Year, and this one has nothing to do with largemouth...