Plot: Playhouse is a British television anthology series that ran from 1967 to 1983, which featured contributions from playwrights such as Dennis Potter, Rhys Adrian and Alan Sharp. Wikipedia
Plot: ITV Sunday Night Theatre, originally titled ITV Saturday Night Theatre, is a British television anthology series screened on ITV, and produced by London Weekend Television. Some episodes were produced with Kestrel Productions. Wikipedia
Plot: This police drama series follows the activities in and around Sun Hill, a police station located in the fictional East London borough of Canley. The focus is not just the gritty reality of police work, however; the lives and loves of the officers who staff the precinct get equal play.
Plot: A team brought together to study how the BBC should respond to Channel Four's pioneering efforts in making films for both television and theatrical release.
Plot: Z-Cars or Z Cars is a British television drama series centred on the work of mobile uniformed police in the fictional town of Newtown, based on Kirkby, Lancashire. Produced by the BBC, it debuted in January 1962 and ran until September 1978. The series differed sharply from earlier police procedurals...
Plot: ITV Play of the Week is a 90-minute UK television anthology series produced by a variety of companies including Granada Television, Associated-Rediffusion, ATV and Anglia Television. From 1956 to 1966 approximately 500 episodes aired on ITV. Wikipedia
Plot: The 80-year-old King Lear divides his kingdom among his daughters, Goneril, Regan and Cordelia, according to their affection for him. Cordelia refuses to flatter him, so he banishes her. Having acquired power, Goneril and Regan expel their father from their homes. At the same time, Lear's prime minister...
Plot: A young student seeks quiet and solitude to focus on an important work but ends up as the teacher of a peculiar boy who is home-schooled by his parents in an isolated bunker mansion. THE BUNKER is a dark, twisted, and funny tale about childhood, growing up and education. A young student seeks quiet...
Plot: Crown Court is a British television courtroom drama series produced by Granada Television for the ITV network. It ran from 1972, when the Crown Court system replaced Assize courts and Quarter sessions in the legal system of England and Wales, to 1984. It was transmitted in the early afternoon. Wikipedia...
Plot: The Wednesday Play is an anthology series of British television plays which ran on BBC1 for six seasons from October 1964 to May 1970. The plays were usually written for television, although adaptations from other sources also featured. Wikipedia
Plot: Play of the Month is a BBC television anthology series, which ran from 1965 to 1983 featuring productions of classic and contemporary stage plays which were usually broadcast on BBC1. Each production featured a different work, often using prominent British stage actors in the leading roles. Wikipedia...
Plot: ITV Sunday Night Theatre, originally titled ITV Saturday Night Theatre, is a British television anthology series screened on ITV, and produced by London Weekend Television. Some episodes were produced with Kestrel Productions. Wikipedia
Plot: Strangers and Brothers is a series of novels by C. P. Snow, published between 1940 and 1970. They deal with รข among other things รข questions of political and personal integrity, and the mechanics of exercising power. Wikipedia
Plot: The life and death of Il Duce himself, from his days as a terrorist to his alliance with Hitler to the betrayal of his son-in-law and untimely demise.
Plot: QB VII is an American television miniseries produced by Screen Gems; it was also the final program from Columbia Pictures's television division to be made under the Screen Gems banner. It began airing on ABC on April 29, 1974. Wikipedia
Plot: As Napoleon Bonaparte's conflict with Russia reaches its peak, a few members of five aristocratic families foresee their lives changing for the better.