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The Diamond Collar

The Diamond Collar

Description: James Guiliani used to run with John Gotti's crew, working as a street enforcer for the mob. Now he runs with a canine crew. So how does a person go from a life of crime to a life with pooches? All it took was a life-changing encounter with a stray dog. After that moment, Guiliani found a new purpose in life: to rescue and pamper animals. So he and the love of his life, Lena, opened what has become one of Brooklyn's top dog grooming parlors. The couple also rescue abused and abandoned animals. Although it would seem like Guiliani's post-mob life is easy, that's not the case, as he and Lena deal with problems that range from simply having trouble paying the bills to more complicated issues like dealing with his former `associates'. Through it all, the couple try to maintain some sort of normalcy in their lives.
Year Released: 2014
Number of seasons: 1
Number of episodes: 10
First episode air date: January 17, 2014
Network: Oprah Winfrey Network
Cast: Lena Perrelli, James "Head" Guiliani
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