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The Dateables

The Dateables

Description: Getting a date is not easy for some people, let alone finding someone to have a relationship with. When you add a disability into the equation, the task becomes seemingly impossible. This programme follows several extraordinary singletons as they enter the dating circuit searching for love. From a stand-up comic with Tourette's to an amateur poet with a learning disability and a skateboarder with a facial disfigurement, they enter the world of blind dates, matchmakers and speed dating. With the help of dating agencies, `The Undateables' explores the realities of looking for love in an image-obsessed world in which first impressions are often used to make snap judgments.
Genre: Reality
Year Released: 2012
Number of episodes: 53
First episode air date: April 3, 2012
Network: Channel 4
Voice: Sally Phillips
Genre: Reality television
Executive Producers: Amelia Hann, Sarah Spencer
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