Plot: Award-winning actor Ron Perlman stars as in this drama the law-bending Judge Pernell Harris, a hard-living married man with a high-end call girl on the side. After his only son attempts suicide, Harris has a mental breakdown and becomes convinced that he can hear the voice of God. Spurred on by a questionable...
Plot: Based on the novels by best-selling author Elsebeth Egholm, this dark crime series features 90-minute standalone mysteries that follow the investigations of a special Copenhagen police unit that targets serial killers. The unit's protagonists, ambitious and headstrong DCI Katrine Ries Jensen and cerebral...
Plot: Polygamist Bill Paxton lives with his fundamentalist Mormon family in Salt Lake City, Utah. He faces various challenges as he struggles to keep his three wives and many children happy.
Plot: From the creators of "Damages," "Bloodline" is a dramatic thriller that explores the demons lurking beneath the surface of a contemporary American family. The Rayburns are hard-working pillars of their Florida Keys community, but their past contains dark secrets that they hope remain buried. Paranoia...
Plot: Mindy Lahiri, an obstetrician and gynaecologist in NYC, endeavours to develop a well-rounded personality as she tries to get her romantic life on track with the help of her offbeat co-workers.
Plot: Some friends who are all avid fantasy football fans try to balance their time between the league and their real lives. It becomes a challenge, though, when the good-natured competition gives way to a win-at-all-costs mentality, which begins to spill over into their relationships and even the workplace...