Plot: "The Looming Tower" traces the rising threat of Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida in the late '90s and how a rivalry between the FBI and CIA during the time period may have inadvertently set the path for the attacks of 9/11. The series follows members of the I-49 Squad in New York and Alec Station in Washington...
Plot: She's young, she's bold and civil servant Feef Symonds is way out of her depth. It is 1945, the Second World War has come to an end and though Britain has come out triumphant, the nation is still at risk of threats from a burgeoning new world order. Having now been assigned to a desk in an office, when...
Plot: Pine, an ex-British soldier, is hired by an intelligence officer as a covert operative. He is tasked with infiltrating the inner circle of Roper, a secret arms dealer and also his lover's killer.
Plot: Transitioning from his job as a CIA analyst in the U.S., cerebral officer Daniel Miller's new mission puts him under cover at the agency's Berlin branch, tasked with sorting out messy cases involving damaging leaks, whistle-blowers, terrorism and more. Mentored by jaded veteran officer Hector DeJean...
Plot: CIA operative Carrie Mathison is on the lookout for an American prisoner who may have joined forces with Al-Qaeda. Released from hostage after eight years, Marine Nicholas Brody becomes her suspect.
Plot: During the Cold War, two Russian spies, who are married to each other and have children, pose as Americans while residing in Washington DC, in order to spy on the American government.
Plot: While their men try to hone their gridiron talents on the field, the wives and girlfriends of pro football players sharpen their own skills behind the scenes when it comes to the power plays they have to use to get their guys the best agents, the best endorsements, the best merchandising deals -- even...