Plot: "The Final Table" is one of the most ambitious culinary competitions in the genre. The first season features 12 pairs of chefs from around the world preparing national dishes from a number of nations, including Mexico, Spain, England, Japan, India and the U.S. Each episode puts the focus on a specific...
Plot: World-renowned chef and restaurateur Emeril Lagasse invites five guests to his chef's table as he prepares a meal for the quintet in each episode of this series. The chef provides a cooking lesson as only he can for the guests -- including newlyweds, busy mothers and firefighters -- and viewers in...
Plot: Some of the most renowned chefs in the world share their deeply personal stories, inspirations, and unique styles. Each chef's discipline and culinary talent is explored while he or she prepares an awe-inspiring creation.
Plot: Lifestyle expert P. Allen Smith takes the gardening experience one step further in this series that moves the earth's delicious bounty from the ground to the tabletop. Smith and the occasional guest chef present recipes featuring fresh seasonal ingredients grown by the host himself, as well as some...