Plot: A closer look at crucial battles fought during World War II. Beginning with the invasion of France, each battle is cloesly examined, including the struggle to control the Atlantic, the battle over the skies and ending with the battle of the Pacific.
Plot: Henry Louis Gates Jr. hosts this four-hour documentary exploring how the United States emerged from the Civil War and slavery. Featuring interviews with historians, authors and other experts, the film explores the transformative years following the Civil War through the rise of Jim Crow segregation...
Plot: This nine-part series is the work that made documentarian Ken Burns a household name. Burns uses contemporary cinematography in addition to thousands of archival photographs, paintings and newspaper images set to music to teach people about the Civil War. A number of well-known actors and actresses...
Plot: This nine-part series is the work that made documentarian Ken Burns a household name. Burns uses contemporary cinematography in addition to thousands of archival photographs, paintings and newspaper images set to music to teach people about the Civil War. A number of well-known actors and actresses...