Plot: `Punk Britannia' explores the British music landscape in the 1970s, from early pub rock to the advent of punk rock in 1976 with bands such as The Sex Pistols and The Clash. The documentary series charts the intense, but relatively short, rise of punk rock in Britain and the twists it took along the...
Plot: A landmark production that first aired in the 1970s, director Tony Palmer's 17-part documentary covers the history of modern popular music, from its earliest origins through the mid-'70s. Among the included genres are folk, ragtime, musical theatre, swing, jazz, blues and of course rock 'n' roll. Palmer...
Plot: Historian Dominic Sandbrook explores postwar Britain in this four-part documentary focusing on culture. The end of the Second World War saw Britain go through tremendous loss, including the decline of industry and an economic struggle. Sandbrook, however, discusses the influence of these circumstances...
Plot: This three-part documentary explores the history of rock `n' roll music in America. The episodes begin in the 1950s, considered the birth of rock music in the US, and trace how the sound developed over time, which in turn generated one of the most significant eras in popular music. Working with independent...
Plot: Trawled from the depths of the BBC Archive and classic BBC shows of the day, a collection of performance gems from a totally rock `n' roll early 1970s. Performances include an early 1970s `Badfinger' number and the BBC vaults provide classic rock `n' roll heroes like `Free, Status Quo, the Faces, Humble...