Plot: Look Back in Anger is a 2000 South Korean television series about two brothers' love for two women that aired on KBS2. Starring Joo Jin-mo, Lee Min-woo, Park Jin-hee and Bae Doona, the cast also includes the following actors pre-stardom: Kim Myung-min, Uhm Tae-woong, Kim Min-hee and Lee Eun-ju. Wikipedia...
Plot: The Legendary Ranger is a 1993 Hong Kong cross-genre television miniseries produced by Mui Siu-ching and aired by TVB. The series starred Leon Lai, Michelle Reis and Catherine Hung, and featured a supporting cast of veteran actors, stars, and future stars, including Faye Wong and Athena Chu. Wikipedia...
Plot: Secret of the Heart is a 1998 Hong Kong television drama produced by TVB that was first aired from 16 February to 10 May 1998. The drama had a powerful roster cast that is made up of Felix Wong, Gallen Lo, Sunny Chan, Nick Cheung, Amy Kwok, Kathy Chow, Jessica Hsuan and Ada Choi. Wikipedia
Plot: Golden Faith is a 2002 Hong Kong television drama produced by TVB, starring a cast that includes a strong mix of new generation actors such as Gallen Lo, Deric Wan, Jessica Hsuan, Raymond Lam, Anne ... Wikipedia
Plot: The Heavenly Swordsman and the Spoiled is a 1986 Hong Kong wuxia television miniseries produced by TVB and starring Andy Lau. The 3-episode series originally aired on TVB Jade from 5 to 19 January 1986 on Sundays. For its VCD release, the series was editied together into a television film. Wikipedia...
Plot: Cold Blood Warm Heart is a 1996 Hong Kong crime thriller and romantic drama television series produced by TVB. The series had a total of 65 episodes, airing from 5 February to 26 April 1996 on TVB Jade. Wikipedia