Plot: Shown in Great Britain for more than five years (debuting in 1961) before it caught on in America, `The Avengers' is a secret-agent thriller that almost bests James Bond. Jonathan Steed - an urbane, proper gentleman spy - teams with various assistants throughout the series' run, including Dr. David...
Plot: Fred, Wilma, Barney and Betty -- otherwise known as the Flintstones and Rubbles -- are among the most famous cartoon characters in TV history. But viewers got to know them as adults on "The Flintstones," leaving fans to wonder: What were they like as kids? This series, which originally aired from 1986...
Plot: Hey, hey, hey! A group of urban adolescents learns a series of valuable life lessons while hanging out in their Philadephia neighborhood. Members of the group include Fat Albert, Mushmouth, Dumb Donald and Weird Harold. In addition to providing the voice of Fat Albert and other characters, Bill Cosby...
Plot: Friends Tinker, Mark and Debbie participate in car races in their vehicle, Speed Buggy, a remote-controlled car built by Tinker that has a mind of its own. While traveling between races, the teens often get involved in mysteries and other capers. Although it's a racecar, Speed Buggy can fly, tunnel...
Plot: Turbo Teen is an American animated television series about a teenager with the ability to transform into a sports car. It aired on Saturday morning on the ABC Network for thirteen episodes in 1984. The series was rerun on the USA Network's USA Cartoon Express programming block. Wikipedia
Plot: Mayor H.R. Pufnstuf and the other residents of Living Island try to help young Jimmy, shipwrecked and led to their island, escape the evil clutches of Witchiepoo, a zany witch who wants to steal Jimmy's talking flute for her collection of magical objects. But even as Jimmy tries to keep his talking...
Plot: Sigmund and the Sea Monsters is an American children's television series that ran from September 8, 1973 to October 18, 1975, produced by Sid and Marty Krofft and aired on Saturday mornings. It was syndicated from December 1975 to June 1978 and later as part of the Krofft Superstars show from 1978...
Plot: These Are the Days was a 30-minute Saturday morning animated series produced by the Hanna-Barbera studios and broadcast on ABC from September 7, 1974, to September 27, 1975. Wikipedia
Plot: The Robonic Stooges is a Saturday morning animated series featuring the characters of The Three Stooges in new roles as clumsy crime-fighting cyborg superheroes. Wikipedia
Plot: The Krofft Supershow is a Saturday morning children's variety show, produced by Sid and Marty Krofft. It aired for two seasons from September 11, 1976, to September 2, 1978, on ABC. Wikipedia
Plot: The American Broadcasting Company coined the term after school special in 1972 with a series of television films, usually dealing with controversial or socially relevant issues, that were generally broadcast in the late afternoon and meant to be viewed by school-age children, particularly teenagers...
Plot: Lidsville is Sid and Marty Krofft's third television show following H.R. Pufnstuf and The Bugaloos. As did its predecessors, the series combined two types of characters: conventional actors in makeup filmed alongside performers in full mascot costumes, whose voices were dubbed in post-production. Wikipedia...
Plot: Four centuries into the future, Cadets Tom Corbett, Roger Manning and Astro are training to become Solar Guards. Their ship, the "Polaris" took them to numerous adventures, usually natural catastrophes rather than villains. Set during the middle of the 24th Century at the Space Academy (a training school...
Plot: Schoolhouse Rock! is an American interstitial programming series of animated musical educational short films that aired during the Saturday morning children's programming block on the U.S. television network ABC. The themes covered included grammar, science, economics, history, mathematics, and civics...