Plot: Der amerikanische Seminarist Michael Kovak (Colin O'Donaghue) reist nach Italien, um einen Exorzismuskurs zu belegen. Michael Kovak (Colin O'Donaghue), the son of a funeral director grows indifferent to his father and joins a Seminary. On his way to the course completion, he is overwhelmed by a...
Plot: In this film about Ingmar Bergman's parents, young Henrik Bergman (Samuel FrΓΒΆler) is studying for the priesthood and trying to make ends meet when he encounters the lovely, affluent Anna (Pernilla August). Despite their social differences, Henrik and Anna fall in love, wed and move to the country...
Plot: Television drama miniseries which re-examines the original's iconic depiction of love, hatred, desire, monogamy, marriage and divorce through the lens of a contemporary American couple, played by Oscar Isaac and Jessica Chastain.