Plot: The Real West was an American historical television series hosted by Kenny Rogers which first aired on A&E cable television from 1992 to 1995. Wikipedia
Plot: "The Real" is an American talk show, which is hosted by Loni Love, Adrienne Houghton, Jeannie Mai Jenkins, and Garcelle Beauvais. A talk show centered around discussions on current events, fashion, family, relationships and celebrity news. The host of "The Real" share varied perspectives on many topics...
Plot: Fox News mainstay Bill O'Reilly jumps behind the camera, serving as executive producer of this series that explores stories behind some of the most famous -- and infamous -- figures of the Old West. Each episode delves into the life of one such individual, using new interviews, archival photos and...
Plot: Exploring different legends around the world of the living dead. Including the story of Adolf Hitler's body, and the burial site of serial killer Ed Gein, as well as presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald.