Plot: This series of episodes culled from the vast library of the late Bob Ross ("The Joy of Painting") features the soft-spoken host sharing his painting techniques, including his "wet-on-wet" technique, and creating some of his best-loved scenes. From a cabin in the majestic mountains or a covered bride...
Plot: Artist Gary Spetz's favorite painting method is watercolor, and the many scenic locations across the United States used as subject matter for this series prove to be a perfect fit for the medium. Like many television art-instruction programs, Spetz caters his show to beginners, offering lessons that...
Plot: Artist Gary Spetz chooses the subjects of his paintings from wilderness locales around the world -- from Alaska to the Mexican Riviera to Hawaii. Each episode has easy-to-follow art lessons that feature detailed demonstrations and step-by-step instructions -- the entire process from beginning to end...
Plot: Internationally renowned artist and conservation advocate Wyland takes his years of travel and adventure and parlays them into works of art. The series features Wyland's insights on perspective, color theory and mixing, texture, scale and form. Best known for his marine murals, Wyland guides viewers...
Plot: It is a nationwide search to find the best landscape artist. Filmed at picturesque locations around the UK, contestants paint National Trust properties for a chance to win a £10,000 commission for a British institution's permanent collection. Through several rounds, winners are selected to advance...
Plot: American painter Bob Ross offers soothing words of encouragement to viewers and painting hobbyists in an enormously popular series that has captivated audiences worldwide.