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The Army Show
Description: A wooden, twin-masted schooner places spies behind Japanese lines during World War II. Genre: Comedy Year Released: 1998 Number of seasons: 1 Number of episodes: 29 First episode air date: September 19, 1965 Network: NBC
Plot: Cleghorne! is an American sitcom television series starring comedian Ellen Cleghorne that aired on The WB from September 10 to December 17, 1995. Garrett Morris and Alaina Reed Hall costarred as Ellen's character's parents, Sidney and Lena, with Steve Bean, Cerita Monet Bickelmann, Michael Ralph and...
Plot: David Tiant is a 15-year-old trying to grow up sane in an ethnically mixed, upwardly mobile family. Dad Joaquin is a proud yet impossibly pragmatic Mexican-American and his mother, a fierce Irish-American. Older sister Maria, a socially active cheerleader, rejects her Mexican roots and insists she'...
Plot: Introverted smart guy Dennis Sweeny grew up in the shadow of his popular football player brother, Nick. The tables are turned, however, when Dennis becomes a successful businessman who owns his own high-tech computer facility. Meanwhile, Nick's luck changes for the worst as both his perfect marriage...
Plot: The WB's Superstar USA is a television show that spoofed the popular show American Idol and which aired on The WB in 2004. Essentially its polar opposite, Superstar USA told contestants they were looking for the best singer when they were actually looking for the worst. Wikipedia
Plot: The CW Daytime is the former official branding for an afternoon programming block that broadcasts on The CW. It was originally known as Daytime WB, which aired on one of its predecessors, The WB, from January 2, 2006 to September 15, 2006. Wikipedia
Plot: After finding an ancient amulet, three members of a struggling rock band - lead singer Vaughn, drummer Scotty and bassist Jane - find their touring schedule constantly interrupted by restless spririts begging for the trio to help them resolve their earthly business so they can pass on to the next plane...
Plot: Set in the glitter of Tinsel Town, The Starlet, has one purpose - to discover the next young actress with the potential to become a major star. Watch as 10 beautiful aspiring actresses live in the same house and compete against each other for the chance to become 2005's next big thing. In order to be...
Plot: This comedy is about the idiosyncratic daily events in the lives of "brutally normal" teenage friends with their unique points of view of adolescence at its most absurd.
Plot: First Time Out is an American sitcom television series that aired on The WB. Originally holding the working title Girlfriends and described as a "Latino Living Single". Wikipedia
Plot: Life with Roger is an American sitcom television series created by Howard Adler and Robert Griffard, that aired on The WB from September 8, 1996 to March 30, 1997, as part of its 1996รข97 schedule. Wikipedia
Plot: Reese Hardin and Jacey Wyatt are the perfect Hollywood couple -- he's an action movie star, she's a beloved dramatic actress. They live together with their two children, Apache and Moonglow, in Malibu, Calif. However, their home life is complicated by the presence of Reese's 16-year-old rebellious...
Plot: Katie Joplin is an American television sitcom created by Tom Seeley and Norm Gunzenhauser that aired for one season on The WB Television Network from August 9, 1999 to September 6, 1999. It was produced by Warner Bros. Television. Wikipedia
Plot: Kelly Novack is a neurotic New Jersey college professor whose class consciousness is challenged when she falls for a handsome firefighter whose four kids are definitely not looking for a new stepmother.
Plot: An optometrist must deal with embarrassing situations, insipid dating prospects and bizarre family relationships. An optometrist must deal with embarrassing situations, insipid dating prospects and bizarre family relationships.
Plot: Set in the world of teens and 20-somethings, this series follows hip 25-year-old Andy French, whose sheltered suburban teenage brother moves in with him and his roommates in a big-city loft.
Plot: Former New York college professor Robert Peterson and his wife, Jerri, share their Manhattan brownstone apartment with their four kids, ages 3 to 15.
Plot: Licking his wounds following a messy divorce, Tom Amross and his two daughters, Kenlon and Elissa, return to his hometown of St. Paul, Minn., in search of a fresh start. Tom quickly lands a producing gig with old pal Charlie Dickerson, host of the long-running morning TV show "Breakfast With Charlie...