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The Apollo Chronicles
Description: Participants, family members and historians recall the events and the obstacles that comprised one of humanity's greatest triumphs. Genre: TV program
Plot: Young New Republic pilot Kazuda Xiono is recruited by Resistance Commander Poe Dameron for a secret mission on Colossus -- an aircraft refueling station on the ocean planet of Castilon. A misunderstanding causes Kaz to participate in a dangerous race to prove himself. Kaz struggles to maintain his cover...
Plot: Set at the end of the 24th century, 18 years after the events of `Star Trek: Nemesis', with Sir Patrick Stewart reprising his iconic role, `Star Trek: Picard' revolves around retired admiral Jean-Luc Picard; he is still deeply affected by the loss of Lieutenant Commander Data, portrayed by Brent Spiner...
Plot: Kathryn Janeway is the captain of a starship that is lost in space and must travel across an unexplored region of the galaxy to find its way back home. On its way, the crew encounters different species they must deal with, but find that all their adventures only make them long for home.
Plot: Ned, a blue-skinned alien, and his lieutenant, Cornelius, are sent to scout Earth for an eventual invasion but instead became obsessed with popular culture; now they host a talk show, during which they interview celebrities.
Plot: A spin-off of `Star Trek: The Next Generation', `Deep Space Nine' is set on a space station orbiting the planet Bajor. This time, Commander Benjamin Sisko is in charge of a diverse crew. But unlike other `Star Trek' series, there's no USS Enterprise to help them. Sisko and the crew must fight off rival...
Plot: Set in the mid-22nd century, over 100 years before James T. Kirk helmed the famous vessel, this installment of the "Star Trek" franchise is set on the Enterprise NX-01 -- the first Earth starship capable of warp 5 -- and explores the history of the interplanetary upheaval that eventually leads to the...
Plot: This series, loosely based Philip K. Dick's novel of the same name, takes a look at what the world might look like had the outcome of World War II turned out differently. In this dystopian scenario, the Axis powers won the war, leading to the United States being divided into three parts, an area controlled...
Plot: Astronauts and their families become instant celebrities in a competition that will either kill them or make them immortal in the quest to be a part of Project Mercury.
Plot: The story of Easy Company, 506th Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division from 1942 to the end of World War II. A collection of fifty portraits illustrated by archive footage and recounted in voice.
Plot: Astronaut Niko Breckinridge is focused on searching the world for alien intelligence. She leads a crew that is on a mission to explore the genesis of an alien artifact that has been found on Earth. As Breckinridge and her young crew investigate, they face unimaginable dangers on what may end up being...
Plot: James T Kirk, who is the captain of the Starship Enterprise, explores the whole galaxy with his crew and goes on several adventures as they fight evil forces together.
Plot: Captain Jean-Luc Picard leads a new generation of Starfleet officers in the Enterprise NCC 1701-D spacecraft to seek out new planet and life forms in space.
Plot: The crew of a spaceship embarks on an adventurous journey in outer space, four hundred years into the future, where they encounter various dangerous situations.
Plot: Helmed by filmmakers, documentaries explore Marvel's rich legacy of characters, creators and stories, showcasing the intersections of storytelling, pop culture and fandom within the Marvel Universe.
Plot: Following the wildly successful "Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey," Neil deGrasse Tyson returns as host to translate more revelations of science into a lavish transporting experience, taking audiences on a series of spiritual voyages of exploration. The show reveals previously uncharted realms, including...
Plot: Journalist Bob Woodruff travels the world with his son, Mack, visiting all of the forgotten, misunderstood and frequently overlooked corners of the world.
Plot: Due to unforeseeable circumstances, the Robinsons, a family of space colonists, crash-land on an unknown planet. Now, they must fight for survival and escape, despite the dangers surrounding them.
Plot: Hundreds of years in the future, things are different than what we are used to after humans have colonized the solar system and Mars has become an independent military power. Rising tensions between Earth and Mars have put them on the brink of war. Against this backdrop, a hardened detective and a rogue...
Plot: Six men and women travel to Mars to colonise the planet in 2033. The scientists and people behind the real-life mission show how they are to achieve this feat.