Plot: Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine opens its doors, allowing viewers exclusive access to follow first-year students mastering the basics, and fourth-year students handling difficult cases from hamsters to horses. The documentary series shows the blood, sweat and tears required to become...
Plot: Ben Fogle and Kate Humble present this series based at Longleat Estate and Safari Park in Wiltshire. Attracting many visitors every year, the park is home to a wide variety of animals, from giraffes, to lions, cheetahs and flamingos. The presenters follow the behind-the-scenes drama at the animal enclosures...
Plot: This documentary series explores the animal rescue community in and around Austin, Texas, providing a window into the captivating world through moving, humorous and powerful stories of animals and the humans who love them. The episodes transport audiences to a ranch where humans heal alongside goats...
Plot: Known to many TV viewers as the "Bondi Vet" for his work on that Australian series, Dr. Chris Brown is back for more adventures as he tries to improve the lives of animals that would otherwise have no one. This time he travels to some of the most remote and exotic places on the planet, working with...
Plot: A group of veterinarians tends to animals at a 24/7 trauma centre, dealing with life-and-death dilemmas on a daily basis. Despite the high-stress atmosphere, the veterinary pros still find time to offer comfort to or celebrate with the animals' owners.