The 5th Quarter
Description: Elisa, twenty years old, arrives at the Colony Asylum in the early 70s. She was sent there by her father for having gotten pregnant before marriage. In an unhealthy and inhospitable world, she will fight with all her strength to escape. In February, 2006, young Luke Abbate accepted a ride home from a fellow student following his high-school team practice. In a severe case of irresponsible and reckless teen-age driving, and over the objections of Luke and the other young passengers, the driver lost control of the car at nearly 90 miles-per-hour, spinning off a narrow road and landing in an embankment some seventy feet below. Luke suffered irreparable brain damage, and died in the hospital two days later - just four days before his sixteenth birthday.
Genre: Drama, Biography, Sport
Year Released: 2011
First episode air date: March 25, 2011
Genre: Drama, Biography, Sport
Year Released: 2011
First episode air date: March 25, 2011