Plot: Centered around a hard working female prime time news magazine producer whose world turns upside down when the network brings Jessica Sampson onto the program as a part-time on-air reporter. In this quiz format, teams of two from the public at large answer questions, with this twist that one must buzz...
Plot: Steve Mertens and Birgit Baukens, a non-stereotypical gay guy and a wannabe career woman, decide to share a house. To cover the rent, they take in three others: Birgit's ex-boyfriend Tom Derijcke, party animal Zoë Zonderland and wicked computer nerd Akke Impens. Complemented by their landlord's hyperactive...
Plot: Terzake is a daily Flemish current affairs-program of the public broadcaster VRT and a part of the VRT News service. It is broadcast on the TV channel Canvas. The first broadcast of the program was on Monday, 5 September 1994. Alain Coninx, Dirk Tieleman and Dirk Sterckx were the first presenters in...
Plot: VTM Nieuws is the name of the daily news broadcasts on the Flemish television network VTM. The bulletins were the first competition to Het Journaal, the news programmes broadcast by the VRT. Wikipedia
Plot: Chief Inspector Hannah Maes starts her new job as head of the Ghent police department that deals with sexual offences, aka Code 37s. Together with her three colleagues she must create a team that tackles the most serious and violent sexual crimes.