Plot: Kriminálka AndÄl is a Czech crime drama television series which premiered on TV Nova in 2008. This TV series is a remake of the Slovak crime series Mesto TieÅov. Wikipedia
Plot: SestriÄky is a Slovak medical drama television series directed by Petr Nikolaev and BraÅo MiÅ¡Ãk and premiered on TelevÃza MarkÃza on September 4, 2018 starring KristÃna Svarinská, Aniko Vargová, Dana KoÅ¡icka, and KristÃna Madarová as ensemble roles. It...
Plot: Policie Modrava is a mosaic of individual criminal cases set among the citizens of the Sumava Mountains. Investigator Jana Vinická comes to a police station in the Kasperské mountains. Crime TV show that is a mosaic of individual criminal cases, is set among the citizens of the Sumava Mountains. The...
Plot: Specialist is a Japanese television drama series that premiered on TV Asahi on 14 January 2016. It was previously aired as Saturday Night drama from 2013 to 2015. In this drama, Tsuyoshi Kusanagi, a member of SMAP, played the lead role, Kaho Minami, YÅ«ta Hiraoka and Natsuna appeared in supporting...
Plot: Billy Zane, Sean Bean and Miranda Richardson star alongside a variety of other well-known faces in this eight-part, action-packed drama series. In a society controlled by a strictly-enforced curfew, when day becomes night, people from all walks of life compete in a dangerous and illegal street race...
Plot: 1989, on the cusp of the Velvet Revoluition, Marie and her husband Viktor return home in Czechoslovakia after years of exile; after a car accident, Marie wakes up from a coma with no trace of Viktor.
Plot: After three young women are found brutally murdered in various locations, three separate police departments must work together to stop a deranged serial killer.