Plot: `Locked Up' is a Spanish crime-drama following a middle-class young woman who is set up by her lover and boss for corporate fraud. Macarena Ferreiro finds herself locked away in a high-security women's prison after being framed, while the real perpetrator walks away with the stolen money. With ruthless...
Plot: Paquita Salas was one of Spain's best talent agents in the 1990s, but her career has taken a downward turn since then due in part to her outdated professional style. After suddenly losing her biggest client, Salas finds herself desperately searching for new stars. Faithful assistant Magüi and office...
Plot: The passionate members of a ladies' roller hockey team chase down victories in the rink while striving to make time for school, family and romance.
Plot: Samuel Caronte, a former police officer, is unjustly imprisoned for a crime he did not commit. In prison, he prepares to become a criminal lawyer and, once out, help other people who have been through his situation.
Plot: When an evicted single mom's estranged father dies, she and his second wife cover up his death after learning they've been written out of his will.
Plot: In 1960s Madrid, music producer Guillermo Rojas launches a rock and roll label with the help of aspiring singer Robert and clever producer Maribel.