Plot: `Teen Mom' debuted on MTV in 2009 and soon after garnered accolades for bringing attention to the issue of teenage pregnancies. The series even was cited for helping to lower teen birth rates by 46 percent since it premiered. MTV continues the `Teen Mom' legacy with `Young and Pregnant', which chronicles...
Plot: `Teen Mom 2' follows four girls from the second season of MTV's documentary series `16 and Pregnant' as they face the challenges of their first years of motherhood. Chelsea, Jenelle, Kailyn and Leah are seen trying to come to grips with the myriad of responsibilities that caring for a child brings,...
Plot: "Teen Mom 3" follows four girls from the fourth season of MTV's documentary series "16 and Pregnant" as they face the challenges of their first years of motherhood. Alex, Briana, Katie and Mackenzie try to come to grips with the myriad responsibilities that are part of caring for a child, and doing...
Plot: `Teen Mom' debuted on MTV in 2009 and soon after garnered accolades for bringing attention to the issue of teenage pregnancies. The series even was cited for helping to lower teen birth rates by 46 percent since it premiered. MTV continues the `Teen Mom' legacy with `Young and Pregnant', which chronicles...