Plot: "The News With Shepard Smith" is CNBC's nightly newscast providing deep, non-partisan coverage and perspective on the day's most important stories. Featuring on-the-ground reporting from around the globe, "The News With Shepard Smith" goes beyond the headlines to give its viewers sharp context into...
Plot: "Power Lunch" takes you through the heart of the business day, focusing on real-time market coverage, breaking news and up-to-the-instant stock information. The show delves into the economy, the markets, real estate, media and technology -- any place where there's money to be made. The program features...
Plot: Airing before the stock markets even open, "Squawk Box" is a morning news and talk program on which the biggest names in business and politics discuss the day's stories. Anchored since late 2005 by Joe Kernen and Becky Quick, the series features reports from Washington, Silicon Valley, London and Hong...