Plot: The original concept of this drama came from Italian actor Stefano Accorsi, who stars in the series alongside Guido Caprino, Domenico Diele, Miriam Leone, Tea Falco and Alessandro Roja. The story is set during Italy's political corruption in the 1990s which saw the collapse of the First Republic and...
Plot: Striscia la notizia is an Italian satirical television program on the Mediaset-controlled Canale 5. Founded in 1988, it is meant to be a parody of the daily news, which airs right before the program, ... Wikipedia
Plot: Canzonissima was an Italian musical variety show broadcast by Rai 1 from 1958 to 1974, aired on Saturday evening except for the last two editions in which it was aired on Sunday afternoon. The program was referred to as "the synthesis and the model of comparison of the Italian television variety"....
Plot: This variety program can be considered the heir of Drive in (1983) and the predecessor of Striscia la Notizia (1988), all three created by Antonio Ricci and conducted by Gianfranco D'Angelo and Ezio Greggio. Moreover it was the program with which Lorella Cuccarini made her debut in the Fininvest Group...
Plot: Fantastico was an Italian Saturday night variety show broadcast by Rai 1 from 1979 to 1991, with an interruption in 1980, when it was replaced by the game show Scacco matto. Wikipedia
Plot: Al paradise is a 1983â1985 Italian variety show that was an entry point for many European as well as American stars. Celebrities Milva, Oreste Lionello and Vivian Reed were considered stars of the show. Wikipedia