Plot: Paul Hollywood takes a journey to Japan, a country not well-known for its baked goods, for the first time. Paul goes on a taste tour of specialities and regional delicacies from all over the country.
Plot: Amidst the backdrop of Japan's extensive stretch of islands, the filmmaker documents his aerial journey and the portraits of the inhabitants while traversing the country.
Plot: Truck mechanic and motorcycle racer Guy Martin goes on a 2500-mile journey around Japan to find out how the country really works, diving into its modern culture and meeting a host of very different characters.
Plot: Sue Perkins takes a trip around Japan. She finds a nation caught between the demands of a hi-tech future and the pull of a traditional past. What does the future hold for this resilient and innovative country?
Plot: A journey takes us across Japan's four main islands, unravelling both its ancient and modern history and unique culture, from bustling metropolises more densely populated than any other on earth, to hidden shrines at the edge of the map.