Plot: Comedians Billy Crystal and Josh Gad star in this comedy series that mimics their real-life roles. A comedy legend (Crystal) is reluctantly paired with an edgy, up-and-coming comedian (Gad) on a late-night sketch comedy show. "The Comedians" offers a behind-the-scenes look at "The Billy & Josh Show...
Plot: Bob Monkhouse hosts his own chat show dedicated entirely to comedy. Mixing performance and interviews, guests come from both sides of the Atlantic, and include Tommy Cooper, Jim Carrey, Spike Milligan and Bob Hope.
Plot: Talking Telephone Numbers is a British game show that aired on ITV from 28 February 1994 to 29 December 1997 and was hosted by Phillip Schofield and initially Emma Forbes, who was later replaced by Claudia Winkleman. The show's format features variety acts which will be used to generate numbers. Wikipedia...
Plot: Blankety Blanks is an American game show that aired on ABC from April 21 to June 27, 1975. This Bob Stewart Production starred Bill Cullen as its host with Bob Clayton announcing. Wikipedia
Plot: The Russ Abbot Show is a British television sketch comedy series which stars Russ Abbot and ran for 16 years on television before moving over to Radio 2 for a further five years. Wikipedia
Plot: The Little and Large Show is a sketch comedy series broadcast on BBC1 between 1 May 1978 and 20 April 1991. Its first series was entitled just Little and Large. Wikipedia
Plot: Des O'Connor Tonight is a British variety chat show hosted by comedian and singer Des O'Connor. It was originally broadcast on the BBC from 1977 until 1982, when it moved to ITV from 1 November 1983 until 3 September 1999. Specials were broadcast until 24 December 2002 when it was axed after nearly...
Plot: The Brian Conley Show was a comedy variety show, and later a comedy chat show, fronted by comedian Brian Conley. It was broadcast in the United Kingdom on ITV between 1992 and 1995, and then 2000 and 2002. Wikipedia
Plot: Seaside Special was a BBC light entertainment show broadcast from 1975. It was an outside broadcast filmed at a big top in a British seaside resort. Originally the big top belonged to various circuses, but in later seasons, the BBC bought its own to be the venue. The programme was developed by producer...
Plot: The Laughter Show was a BBC comedy sketch show, which featured Dustin Gee and Les Dennis, from 1984 to 1986 and then just featuring Dennis until 1991. Wikipedia
Plot: Host Bradley Walsh introduces the comedians and performers who enthral the audience. Comedian Joe Pasquale also plays a game with an audience member who gets the chance to sit next to a celebrity.
Plot: Full Swing is a 2008 Japanese television series. It is based on the biography of Michihiro Takabatake, a professional baseball player and coach who became a high-school teacher at the age of 59. Wikipedia