Plot: Lykkehjulet is the Danish version of the Wheel of Fortune television game show. Airing in 1988, the show was the first big American game show to be imported to Denmark and it was one of the first successes for Danish broadcaster TV2 when it became Denmark's second TV channel in 1988. Wikipedia
Plot: Go' morgen Danmark is a Danish morning television show which airs on TV 2. The program airs live from Copenhagen's Central Station, with occasional segments recorded at Tivoli. It is currently hosted by Mikkel Kryger, Ida Wohlert, Adam Duvå Hall, Louise Wolff, Steen Langeberg, and Puk Elgård....
Plot: Vild med dans is the Danish version of Dancing with the Stars and is shown by TV 2 in Denmark. Seasons 1 and 2 were co-hosted by Andrea Elisabeth Rudolph and Peter Hansen. Rudolph and Hansen were replaced in season 3 by Christine Lorentzen and Claus Elming. Wikipedia