Plot: A Weaver on the Horizon is a 2010 Chinese television series based on the life story of Huang Daopo, who revolutionized the textile industry during the Mongol conquest of the Song dynasty and the beginning of the Yuan dynasty. The story is considered to be historical fiction, as the plot deviates from...
Plot: New Legend of Madame White Snake is a 1992 TV series starring Angie Chiu and Cecilia Yip. It is based on the Chinese folk legend Legend of the White Snake. First shown on Taiwan Television in 1992, the series was broadcast on China Central Television in 1993 and became a major hit. Wikipedia
Plot: The Fairies of Liaozhai is a Chinese television series adapted from Pu Songling's collection of supernatural stories titled Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio. Wikipedia
Plot: Twenty years in Shanghai, Tang Lang because detectives opened a political shady, had to leave the Police Force. But his heart is more firmly for justice, then set up in Shanghai's first private detective.