Plot: A love epic story took place during the French occupation of Damascus. A love epic story took place during the French occupation of Damascus. The girl Doria who lives with her father and brother on a farm owned by a rich man who wants to marry her, in which her father approved because of his fear of...
Plot: Kalabsh is a 2017 Egyptian drama and suspense TV-Series directed by Peter Mimy and starring Amir Karara in the role of Sleim El-Ansary, a most confident and honest policeman. The series is based on a story written by Yousef Hasan Yousef, then dramatized and scripted by Baher Dewidar. Wikipedia
Plot: The Godfather is an American film series that consists of three crime films directed by Francis Ford Coppola inspired by the 1969 novel of the same name by Italian American author Mario Puzo. Wikipedia
Plot: A contemporary social drama series, "La Totfe el Shams" is based on the novel by the Egyptian writer Ehsan Abdul-Quddus. The series is a subversive take on the novel that revolves around the lives and problems of the family of the late Ibrahim Abulmagd. The family consists of the widow and mother Eqbal...
Plot: FERAL is an audio/visual piece based on the book by, and featuring, George Monbiot and explores themes of rewilding, ecological crisis and human loss of connection with the natural world. The project is based on a collaboratively devised screenplay by Composer Hollie Harding and choreographer and director...