Plot: Das Millionenspiel is a German action/sci-fi television film of 1970, directed by Tom Toelle and starring Jörg Pleva, Suzanne Roquette and Dieter Thomas Heck. It was aired on 18 October 1970 by the ARD. Wikipedia
Plot: Allein unter Bauern was a German comedy television series, commissioned by Sat.1 and produced by Phoenix. It aired for ten episodes between 2006 and 2007 and was cancelled on 4 May 2007. Wikipedia
Plot: Sara Collins is the lovely young wife of prominent Georgia senator Jeffrey Collins - and she's disappeared. But before the authorities can solve the mystery of her whereabouts, they have to figure out who she really is. FBI Agents Graham Kelton and Lin Mei uncover clues that suggest Sara's disappearance...