Plot: Spooky Romantics is a Japanese comedy television drama series broadcast on TV Tokyo. It premiered on January 9, 2015 and ended on March 28, 2015. Wikipedia
Plot: No Continue Kid: Bokura no Game Shi is a Japanese television drama ran on TV Tokyo from 4 October 2013 to December 20. The series bases on Japanese video game industry since 1983 to 2013, featured three high school students' growing up. Wikipedia
Plot: Daimajin Kanon is a Japanese tokusatsu television drama produced by Kadokawa Pictures and broadcast on TV Tokyo. The series premiered on April 2, 2010. The series retells the story of the original Daimajin film in a modern Japanese setting. Wikipedia
Plot: Saba Doru is a Japanese television drama series broadcast on TV Tokyo starring AKB48's Mayu Watanabe. The story revolves around the 38-year-old Usa Shijimi, who is a high school classical literature teacher. Her students are mean to her, but they do not realize that she has another identity. Wikipedia...