Plot: Featuring expanded themes and characters introduced in writer-director-producer Tyler Perry's "Why Did I Get Married?" movies, this adult-oriented sitcom focuses on three couples at various stages of their relationships. It centers on successful beauty salon owner Angela and her longtime husband, Marcus...
Plot: Való Világ is Hungary's reality show aired by RTL Klub. ValóVilág became the most popular Hungarian reality television program ever. The show was aired in the same time slot as the localized version of Big Brother. While TV2 recorded the highest number of viewers in 2002, Való Vilá...
Plot: Barátok közt is a Hungarian television soap opera. It premiered on RTL Klub on 26 October 1998. Through its entire run, it has been screened as two ten-minute episodes each week night. It is currently broadcast each weeknight at 9:30 pm CET on RTL Klub with reruns on RTL2. Wikipedia
Plot: Contestants compete against each other to impress the judges and the voting audience with their musical talent and win the coveted prize, a record contract.
Plot: Dancing with the Stars is the name of various international television series based on the format of the British TV series Strictly Come Dancing, which is distributed by BBC Studios, the commercial arm of the BBC. Currently the format has been licensed to 60 territories. Wikipedia
Plot: Megasztár - Voice of the Year was a Hungarian a music talent show that started in 2003 on TV2. While it is widely considered an unlicensed clone of the British television show Pop Idol, TV2 maintains that it is a distinct format created by SBS management member Christoph Buerge. Wikipedia
Plot: Rising Star was a short-lived American reality television singing competition which began airing on ABC on June 22, 2014. It was based on the international franchise series Rising Star itself based on the Israeli singing competition HaKokhav HaBa made by Keshet Broadcasting Ltd. Wikipedia
Plot: The Voice â Magyarország hangja was a Hungarian reality competition aimed to find new singing talent. Based on the reality singing competition The Voice of Holland, it is part of an international series created by Dutch television producer John de Mol. Wikipedia
Plot: Takumi Harada and his family moves to Okayama during spring break before his entry to Junior High School. On the baseball field, Takumi has enormous confidence in his ability as a pitcher, but socially he is a loner.
Plot: Star Academy is a Greek reality TV show, and a licensed version of Endemol's Star Academy. The series began on March 17, 2017 on the E Channel network and was completed on July 15, 2017. The Judges were Anna Vissi, Petros Kostopoulos, Nikos Mouratides, Nikos Karvelas and Natalia Germanou. Wikipedia
Plot: The star in Star is TV2's music show, in which Hungarian light music performers, transformed into international and domestic performers and musicians, perform their iconic songs live.