Plot: Zwei Brüder is a German detective television series based on an idea by Felix Huby, who also wrote several screenplays. Eleven directors produced 17 episodes of 85-90 minute length for ZDF between 1994 and 2000. The music for the series was by Frank Langer and Wilbert Hirsch. Wikipedia
Plot: Two brothers start a sportswear company in the 1920s, hoping to make the best shoes in the world. Their relationship deteriorates until they become bitter rivals.
Plot: Parole Chicago was a German television series directed by Reinhard Schwabenitzky, starring Christoph Waltz as Eduard "Ede" Bredo, an inept wannabe criminal in 1920s Berlin. Its entire run of 13 episodes first aired in 1979. Wikipedia
Plot: The Alien Years is a three-part miniseries that first aired on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation on 19 April 1988. It was directed by Donald Crombie and written by Peter Yeldham. It stars Victoria Longley, John Hargreaves, Christoph Waltz. Yeldham later adapted his screenplay into a novel of...