Plot: When most people think of talking puppets being used in TV shows and movies, the first name that typically comes to mind is Jim Henson, the late puppeteer who invented The Muppets. His name and spirit live on through his company, The Jim Henson Company, which is using this reality series to give 10...
Plot: A trio of bounty hunters, known as Killjoys, chases deadly warrants through the Quad, a distant area that is near the start of a violent class war among multiple planets. Gorgeous but deadly Dutch is a top-level Killjoy who has a unique gift for earning people's trust, regardless of their class. The...
Plot: Ten finalists culled from a nationwide casting call compete for a chance to have their original superhero character immortalized in a new comic book created by Stan Lee. The players share a "secret lair" where they adopt the costume and persona of the superhero they have conceptualized, undergoing...
Plot: You may not want to watch "Paranormal Witness" alone if you're easily spooked. This series brings to life -- through the use of first-hand testimony, home videos and personal photos -- the stories of people who have lived through paranormal experiences. In addition to featuring the usual paranormal...
Plot: Former child queen Elida, her old frenemy Isaac and optimistic mechanic Amae escape Lazaro's army in an adventure across a dangerous galaxy as they attempt to take her nemesis down.
Plot: It's the near future in Los Angeles, and climate change keeps temperatures soaring, and water is as scarce as oil. Crime is so rampant that authorities only bother punishing cases of extreme violence, and even the city's last remaining good cop isn't immune from the chaos. Arthur Bailey's only hope...
Plot: A demon hunter struggles to stay interested in the Earth-saving duty he never asked for and does not want. Gary is the `Chosen One' and is burdened by this duty as he hunts demons.
Plot: Tony Pergatelli is a low level bureaucrat in Purgatory working as a claims adjustor for Death. Everyday, Tony reviews the files of the newly dead and decides whether they are approved or denied to get into heaven. He's unqualified, unsure of himself and unbelievably burdened by the weight of the choices...
Plot: Vaughn is joined by his robot sidekick, DB-8, and celeb panellists who debate burning questions in science fiction, fantasy, horror, comics and general geekdom.
Plot: Cosplay -- the practice of dressing up as characters from movies, books or video games -- is a popular activity in the sci-fi community. People transform themselves into pop culture-inspired creations, often with an emphasis on anime characters. Usually, it's just for fun and playful contests, but...
Plot: TZGZ is an American late night programming block that premiered on April 20, 2019 on Syfy. The block features animated series aimed at adult audiences. The block currently airs Saturday nights from 12 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. ET. Wikipedia
Plot: "Face Off" puts on its game face in this spinoff of Syfy's popular makeup artists competition series. It features former "Face Off" all-stars matching skills in head-to-head battles, with multiple reveals and eliminations culminating in a grand prize winner. On each episode, four artists race to complete...
Plot: A weekly half-hour topical animated series set in an extraterrestrial newsroom. In each episode, two alien news anchors, Drexx Drudlarr and Tuva Van Void, offer news and commentary on the universe's most fascinating and baffling species, the Humans of Planet Earth. The anchors provide a hard-hitting...
Plot: When a little red panda named Nut arrives in the apartment of two directionless 20-somethings and gives them the magical abilities to transform into superheroes, Alex and Daisy are forced to get their lives together to save the universe. With the help of their magical objects, Alex and Daisy learn...
Plot: When a little red panda named Nut arrives in the apartment of two directionless 20-somethings and gives them the magical abilities to transform into superheroes, Alex and Daisy are forced to get their lives together to save the universe. With the help of their magical objects, Alex and Daisy learn...
Plot: From interviews to documentaries to retrospectives to games, deep dive into the world of pop culture; centered on news and lifestyle content for fans of science-fiction, fantasy and horror.