Plot: Akkamma Stalinum Patrose Gandhiyum was a 2015 Indian comedy TV series which aired from 5 January 2015 and 3 July 2015 for 129 Episodes, Asianet channel. Veena Nair and Shaju played the title characters. The series was telecasted from Monday to Thursdays. Wikipedia
Plot: The host pits two families against each other and they are given various questions to tackle. The first family to answer the questions successfully wins the cash prize.
Plot: Manasa is the daughter of a rich landlord, whom she refuses to visit even when he is sick. Therefore, Krishna decides to pretend to be Manasa, her friend, in order to save her father's life.
Plot: When Nangema, a 77-year-old woman of Ilayidath Mana, faces troubles, she invokes Goddess Bhadrakali for answers. The Goddess prophecises that a man will appear to ward off the evil in her life.
Plot: A family in Kerala is haunted by Yakshi, a demon. They seek the help of Kadamattathu, a priest who possesses supernatural powers, to bail them out of their problems.
Plot: A shy and simple Aruna is different from her bold and daring identical twin, Seema. However, when Aruna's husband and his mother ill-treat her, Seema teaches them a lesson by impersonating Aruna.