Plot: Aktuellt is a Swedish nightly news programme produced by Sveriges Television and broadcast on its second channel, SVT2 in Sweden. First broadcast on 2 September 1958, Aktuellt. Wikipedia
Plot: Sverige idag is a news program broadcast by Sveriges Television since 2011. It covers current affairs from all over the country by using a compilation of reports from the regional news programs of SVT. It is a sister programme to Landet runt, which is broadcast from Gothenburg on SVT1 on Sunday evening...
Plot: Go'kväll is a Swedish daily television show broadcast at Sveriges Television. The show consists of interviews, singer performances and cooking. It has had different hosts, including Anja Kontor, Suzanne Axell and Beppe Starbrink. It was first broadcast on 30 September 1997. Wikipedia
Plot: Uppdrag granskning is a Swedish television program focusing on investigative journalism. The program is produced by and aired on SVT and has become known for the use of concealed cameras and microphones. Wikipedia
Plot: Veckans brott is a Swedish crime television show on SVT which has been airing from 2010. From 2010-2018 it was hosted by Camilla Kvartoft with expert commentary by criminology professor Leif G. W. Persson. In 2019 the show was reinstated, however with Camilla Kvartoft as the lone presenter. Wikipedia...
Plot: SVT Nyheter Norrbotten, also known as Norrbotten and Nordnytt, is a news program by Sveriges Television. Nordnytt have its main studio in Luleå and a local studio in Kiruna. Wikipedia
Plot: Quando um grupo de desajustados é contratado por um estranho para roubar uma casa desolada e trazer uma fita VHS, eles descobrem mais imagens do que esperavam.
Plot: SVT Nyheter Norrbotten, also known as Norrbotten and Nordnytt, is a news program by Sveriges Television. Nordnytt have its main studio in Luleå and a local studio in Kiruna. Wikipedia
Plot: Smålandsnytt is a Swedish regional news programme, broadcast by Sveriges Television. The programme covers the three counties in the historical provinces of Småland and Öland in southeast Sweden: Jönköping County, Kalmar County and Kronoberg County. Wikipedia
Plot: Värmlandsnytt is a Swedish regional news programme, serving the historic province of Värmland in the west of mid Sweden, broadcast on Sveriges Television. The programme is broadcast from studios located in Karlstad. Wikipedia